Set Color with the Complimentary Color Palette

  • Take a photo or load an image file of the artwork that you wish to use. Have that image on the screen and the Art Region selected from it. 

  • The Complimentary Colors Palette will display the complimentary colors associated with the currently selected Art Region.

  • Click on the desired color displayed in the Complimentary Colors section, select the desired mat layer for the color, and select either Color or Mat SKU.

  • If you select Color, it will apply the color to the selected layer.

  • If you select Mat SKU, it opens the Select Color SKU screen. See Set SKU by Color above.

  • Optionally, select to add it as a new mat layer.

  • If the Complimentary Color Palette section is not displayed, return to the Art Regions tab and click on the desired art region

  • The palette is created using the colors within the selected art region.

  • When finished, Save SKU Images to save this thumbnail to the SKU for future reference. 

  • Take a photo or load an image file of the artwork that you wish to use. Have that image on the screen and the Art Region selected from it. 

  • The Complimentary Colors Palette will display the complimentary colors associated with the currently selected Art Region.

  • Click on the desired color displayed in the Complimentary Colors section, select the desired mat layer for the color, and select either Color or Mat SKU.

  • If you select Color, it will apply the color to the selected layer.

  • If you select Mat SKU, it opens the Select Color SKU screen. See Set SKU by Color above.

  • Optionally, select to add it as a new mat layer.

  • If the Complimentary Color Palette section is not displayed, return to the Art Regions tab and click on the desired art region

  • The palette is created using the colors within the selected art region.

  • When finished, Save SKU Images to save this thumbnail to the SKU for future reference.