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How to Merge Objects Together to Make a New Shape Using Guides for Placement

  • These instructions will show you how to Merge several objects together to make a new shape

by placing Guide Lines
  • .

  • To keep it simple, we will be

  • using Guide Lines to create an opening for a Newspaper clipping.

  • Remember that to Merge, you can use any Template or CutArt as long as they share the same Bevel Type.

  • Click New Mat Design on the FrameShop Main Page.

  • Click Cancel on the New Openings Screen.

  • On the Openings Tab, bring the template #101: Rectangle template onto the Editor.

  • Click on the Properties Tab to edit it.

  • Enter the desired size for the #101: Rectangle.

  • Bring over a second #101: Rectangle.

  • Size this second #101: Rectangle to the desired size.

    • Note: We will be overlapping this new Rectangle Horizontally with the original Rectangle by .25, so we will make the Width .25 larger to compensate.

  • Now we will place some Guide Lines from our original opening so that we can place the new opening into the correct position.

  • Make sure the Positioning toggle is set to Bottom Layer.

  • Right-Click on the original opening and select New Guide From Other.

  • The New Guide From Other screen opens.

  • We want a Vertical Guide placed .25” into the opening, so enter -.25 for the Distance From Left field.

  • We want a Horizontal Guide placed .5” into the opening, so enter -.5 for the Distance From Top field.

  • Click OK to place the Guides.

  • Negative numbers will place the Guide inside the selected object.

  • Positive numbers will place the Guide outside the selected object.

  • The new Guides have been placed on the opening.

  • Move the new Opening so that it Snaps to the Horizontal and Vertical Guide Lines.

  • The opening has been placed.

  • Select both openings (Ctrl+A) and click the Group Selection button.

  • The openings will Merge together where they overlap.

  • Using these instructions, you can merge several other openings to the design, with or without Guides as desired.
