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Vectorizing an Image in the Design Editor: Opening Tab

  • On the Openings tab, click Vectorize Image.


Insert excerpt





Image function in the Design Editorallows you to turn a Rastor (


) into a Vector (Cuttable Format) to apply as a Deboss, Pen or cut in Vinyl.

This is simply a Raster to Vector Conversion.

Note that the Vectorizing utility in Trace has additional parameters that can be adjusted if you need more control of how an image is Vectorized.

Image Removed

See: Raster Definition

See: Vector Definition

See: Raster to Vector Definition

See: Vectorize in the Design Editor Function

See: Vectorize in Trace Function

See: Raster to Vector Conversion.

See: Arc Tool in Trace

See: Arc Tool Definition/wiki/spaces/FrameShop8x/pages/1942694083

See: Splines Definition

See: Convert Arc to Splines Function

titleVector Definition

A Vector is a graphic drawing in Trace that contains Paths, which are defined by a Start and End point and may contain other Points, Curves, and Angles.

The Vector Paths are independent of resolution, which means they can be resized without losing detail.

A Path is also a file format of Trace which saves all of the Vector elements of the design as you work, whether it is Traced or not. 

When the design is completed, save it as a CutArt to load into the Design Editor.

Image Removed

See: Raster Definition

See: Vector Definition

See: Raster to Vector Definition

See: Vectorize in the Design Editor Function

See: Vectorize in Trace Function

nameVectorize Image Definition

VectorizeImageButton70800.pngImage Modified
  • The Auto Vectorize screen will open.

  • Click the Load button.

Image Modified
  • Navigate and click on the desired Image.

  • Click Open.

Image Modified
  • Select the desired tool type from the Tool Type dropdown control.

  • You can only Deboss, Pen or cut the design on Vinyl

. Panel
For Additional Information: See Vectorize in Tracefor additional Vectorization controls not contained in the Design Editor
  • .

titleCutArt Definition

CutArt™ are simple shapes and design elements created by Wizard that can be added to designs.

CutArts can be applied to your current design and edited, such as resizing and rotating.

They can be Cut, Debossed, Penned or cut on Vinyl.

CutArtExample70800.pngImage Removed

See: Add CutArt Function

Image Modified
  • Enter the desired Width and Height.

  • Select the Keep Aspect Ratio checkbox to maintain the height/width proportions.


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Keep Aspect Ratio


Keep Aspect Ratio

(KAR) keeps the CutArt, Image, LetterMat, etc. Height and Width proportionate to avoid distortion in the Design Editor.Image Removed

See: CutArt Properties

See: Image Properties

See: LetterMat Properties

See: TTF Properties

nameKeep Aspect Ratio Definition

Image Modified

Vectorize Sensitivity

  • Use the Vectorize Sensitivity slidebar to vectorize the design.

  • Slide the bar until you obtain the desired vectorization.

  • Click OK.

Image Modified
  • It will prompt to save the design as a CutArt.

  • Select the desired location and filename.

  • Click Save to save the CutArt.

Image Modified
  • After the design is saved, the CutArt will be loaded into the Editor.

VectorizeImagePlaced70800.pngImage Modified
  • For Additional Information:

  • See Convert to CutArt from the Design Editor to further edit the design by bringing it into the Trace program.

  • See Trace Vectorize utility in Trace which has additional parameters that can be adjusted if you need more control of how the image is Vectorized.

  • See Trace for information on further editing the design.