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See: Template Properties

See: Template Library

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  • Use the Dimension Section to edit and/or lock the selected group of object dimensions.

  • Enter the desired Width. Objects in the selection will change to the new dimension. 

  • Enter the desired Height. Objects in the selection will change to the new dimension. 

titleSizes Button Definition

The Sizes Button displays the Recent and Standard sizes. 

Recent lists the last ten sizes entered.

Standard lists Standard sizes associated with the current unit of measurement.

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titleSwap Button Definition

The Swap button switches values between the Width and Height fields.

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Lock or Unlock Size

  • Lock the size of the object to avoid adjusting it when dragging the mouse.

  • Click Unlock to Lock the size of the current object. 

  • Click Locked to Unlock the size of the current object.

titleLock Object Size Definition

Use the Lock/Unlock feature to prevent the size of the opening from being changed by accidentally dragging the control corners with the mouse in Designer.

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See: Lock/Unlock Function

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Group Selection Template Options Reveals Tab

  • If the group selection contains any Objects that are not Templates, this section is hidden.

Number of Layers

  • Enter the desired number of Layers.

  • Default Settings: See Admin > Editor for the default settings for the Number of Layers.

Layers (Listing)

  • Each layer entry is identified by a layer number.

  • The topmost layer is labelled Top.

  • Default Settings: See Admin > Defaults for the default settings for the Layer Direction.


  • Enter the Reveal for each layer, i.e., .25. 

  • The topmost layer is labelled Top.

  • Default Settings:

  • See Admin > Defaults for the default settings for the Layer Reveal Width.

  • See Admin > Defaults for the default settings for the Layer Direction.

titleReveal Definition

The Reverse Bevel Opening is created by cutting into the matboard surface with the blade angled at 45°/52°, thereby slanting the bevel under the matboard surface. The matboard core is not visible from the front.

The Bevel Type refers to the angle at which the blade cuts the surface of the matboard when it deviates from the 90° right angle cut.

Select Reverse Bevel or Reverse Bevel-Front of Mat from the Current Bevel Type dropdown control to edit this configuration.

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See: 45 Degree Reverse Bevel Opening Configurations

See: 45 Degree Plus Reverse Bevel Opening Configurations

See: 45 Degree Front Reverse Bevel Opening Configurations

See: 52 Degree Reverse Bevel Opening Configurations

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Cartridge Selection and Type

  • Use the Cartridge and Type section to select the desired Cartridge and Type for the particular layer of the selection of templates.

  • Click on the Cartridge Icon. 

  • Select the desired cartridge for the current layer of the selection of templates.

Selecting a Non-Blade Cartridge for a Template Layer

  • You cannot directly select a Non-Blade Cartridge for a Template layer.

  • You must first place the Non-Blade Cartridge object, such as Deboss/Pen and edit it to display the desired Template.

titleCartridge Definition

A Cartridge is the physical component that holds the Blade, Deboss Stylus, Pen or other application tool.

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titleTemplate Definition
Templatesare specialized parametric shape generators created by Wizard.

Many of the templates have additional Properties that can be edited which can change the shape, curves and corners of the design as well as a wide assortment of Parameters.

The Template Library displays the different templates that are available for use.

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See: Template Properties

See: Template Library

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Template Parameters 

Group Selection Options Parameters Tab

  • Group selection properties Options fields display the Group Leader's Template Parameter

  • Edit each Parameter as desired; the templates changes immediately to reflect the parameter adjustments.

titleParameters Definition

The Parameters are set of specified variable characteristics related to the selected object that can be modified through the accompanying fields in Designer.

For example, the Chamfer is the symmetrical angled surface at the corner of the Template.

In Designer, the Template Parameter Map displays a diagram describing each parameter field for the current Template.

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Reverse Bevel

  • Click the RB Button to make all of the layers a Reverse Bevel

  • Click the RB Checkbox on the desired layer to make only that layer a Reverse Bevel.

titleReverse Bevel Definition

The Reverse Bevel Opening is created by cutting into the matboard surface with the blade angled at 45°/52°, thereby slanting the bevel under the matboard surface. The matboard core is not visible from the front.

The Bevel Type refers to the angle at which the blade cuts the surface of the matboard when it deviates from the 90° right angle cut.

Select Reverse Bevel or Reverse Bevel-Front of Mat from the Current Bevel Type dropdown control to edit this configuration.

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See: 45 Degree Reverse Bevel Opening Configurations

See: 45 Degree Plus Reverse Bevel Opening Configurations

See: 45 Degree Front Reverse Bevel Opening Configurations

See: 52 Degree Reverse Bevel Opening Configurations

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Same Template With Different Parameters

  • If you have the same template openings selected but the Parameters are different, you can apply the Parameters of the Group Leader to the rest of the selection.

  • Hit PgUp/PgDn to set the desired Template opening as the Group Leader.

  • Make the desired changes to the Parameters.

  • The Parameters of the Group Leader is applied to the other template openings in the selection.

titleTemplate Definition
Templatesare specialized parametric shape generators created by Wizard.

Many of the templates have additional Properties that can be edited which can change the shape, curves and corners of the design as well as a wide assortment of Parameters.

The Template Library displays the different templates that are available for use.

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See: Template Properties

See: Template Library

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Selected Group of Objects Properties

Group Selection Selected of Objects Properties

  • Use the Select Group of Objects Properties to edit the individual proprietary adjustments available for the Group of Selected Objects.

  • Use the Select Group of Objects Properties to edit the individual proprietary adjustments available for the Group of Selected Objects.

Editing a Group of Objects

Select the desired group of objects.
  • Click on the Properties Tab. 

  • Panel
    • For Additional Information: Right-Click on the object and select Properties.

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    Group Selection of Objects

    How to Select the Openings

    • To select objects, click and Draw a Box around the desired group of objects.

    • Optionally, hold down the Shift or CTRL key and click on each object with the mouse to select them.

    • For Additional Information:

    • Right-Click on the selected group of openings and select Properties.

    • If all of the objects within the selection are Template Openings, additional template property fields are displayed.

    titleTemplate Definition
    Templatesare specialized parametric shape generators created by Wizard.

    Many of the templates have additional Properties that can be edited which can change the shape, curves and corners of the design as well as a wide assortment of Parameters.

    The Template Library displays the different templates that are available for use.

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    See: Template Properties

    See: Template Library

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    Group Leader Selection Properties

    • Use the Properties Tab to edit the adjustments available for the selection of objects.

    • The Properties Tab displays the Group Leader's properties. 

    • The Group Leader is displayed with white control handles.

    • To change the Group Leader (displayed with white control handles), hit Page Up or Page Down to cycle the leader through the selected group of openings.  

    • If all of the objects within the selection are Template Openings, additional template property fields are displayed.

    • If the selection of objects contains different blade types, all options may not be available.

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    Group Selection with Non-Template Object

    • If the group selection contains a Non-Template Object, the Dimension fields are the only editable fields available.

    titleNon-Template Objects Definition

    Non-Template Objects can include CutArt, LetterMat, TTFs and Boxes.

    Each of these items have their own specialized shape generators and Parameters that can be adjusted.

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    Group Template Design

    • The Group Template Opening section allows the user to select a different template which will be applied to the current selection of template openings.

    • Click the Template Number and Name button in the Style field.

    • The Template Library opens. 

    • Select a new template.

    • The currently selected templates will be replaced with the new Template from the Template Library.

    titleTemplate Definition
    Templatesare specialized parametric shape generators created by Wizard.

    Many of the templates have additional Properties that can be edited which can change the shape, curves and corners of the design as well as a wide assortment of Parameters.

    The Template Library displays the different templates that are available for use.

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    See: Template Properties

    See: Template Library

    titleTemplate Library Definition
    The Template Librarydisplays the different Templates of specialized parametric shape generators that are available for use in Designer.


    Child pages (Children Display)
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