Trace and Draw Tab |
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The Trace and Draw Tab is divided up into three sections: |
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Select this topic to see information on the Draw section which contains the drawing tools. Line: Draw a two-point line. Arc: Draw a three-point arc. Curve: Draw a four-point bezier curve. Oval: Draw a two-point oval. Poly(n): Draw a polygon with the selected number of sides. Star(n): Draw a star with the selected number of sides.
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Select this topic to see information on the Edit section which contains the editing tools. Mirror: Flip the current object along a selected line of reference. Join Segments: Join several segments together. Close: Close the remaining segment of an object to complete the circuit. Merge: Combine overlapped objects into a single object. Break: Break a segment where it intersects with another segment. Explode: Break an object into the individual segments that make up the object. Flip: Turn the object over, horizontally or vertically. Offset: Create a displacement copy of the selected object a parallel distance away. Rotate: Move the object around an axis or center, a specified number of degrees. Tangify: Smooth the connection between circuits that are below a specified angle. Move an Object: How to move an object. Move a Point: How to move a point.
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Select this topic to see information on the Design Details section which will display information about the currently selected item. Arc: Selecting an Arc will display details about the currently selected Arc. Circuit: Selecting a Circuit will display details about the currently selected Circuit. Circuits: Selecting the background will display the number of circuits in the design. Curve: Selecting a Curve will display details about the currently selected Curve. Fragments: Selecting the background will display the number of fragments in the design. Line: Selecting a Line will display details about the currently selected Line. Oval: Selecting an Oval will display details about the currently selected Oval. Total Layers: Selecting the background will display the number of layers if the design is traced. View List: The View List displays a listing of the current circuits and fragments of the design.
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