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Tangification Highlight Function

  • The Tangification Highlight function will display the specific angle of degrees between the segments where they connect.

  • This is extremely useful when Tangifying the arc segment connections to provide a smoother cut between the arcs.

  • Note that this is in regards to any series of arcs creating a curve, not where two arcs come together to create an obvious corner/point in the design.

Insert excerpt
Tangify Tool Definition
Tangify Tool Definition
nameTangify Tool Definition
Insert excerpt
Tangent Threshold
Tangent Threshold
nameTangent Threshold Definition


Using the Tangification Highlight Function

  • Have the desired design on the screen.

  • If not already displays, select Options > Show Control Points to turn on displaying the Control Points of each segment.

Insert excerpt
Control Points Trace
Control Points Trace
nameControl Points Trace Definition


  • Click on the Tangification Highlight toggle.

  • The design will now display the specific angle of degrees between the segments where they connect.

  • Arc connections of Zero (0) display that they are perfectly tangent and will cut smoothly.

  • Any connections that are displayed above/below Zero (0) are not tangent.

  • NOTE: If the arcs are extremely out of tangent, the Head may pick up the blade and replunge while cutting, making a rough cut.

