Dec 22, 2022
Feb 14, 2023
The Localization section allows the user to define the locale and unit of measure setting for the software.
Click on Admin in the Admin section of the Main Screen.
Click on the Localization tab to open the Localization section.
The Available Locales section displays the available locales for the software.
Select the desired Locale and click Save.
The software text will display in the selected locale.
The Unit of Measure controls how the numerical values are displayed.
Select the desired Unit of Measurement.
The numerical values will be displayed in the selected Unit of Measurement.
The Country Sub-Division name is displayed: State/Province.
Enter the desired Phone Number Format.
Using the notations below, enter the desired Phone Number Format.
“9” = optional
“0” = required
“C” = optional character
“()-” = placeholders
The States/Provinces abbreviation is displayed in the State/Province List.