Jan 16, 2023
Jan 17, 2023
The Explode All button will break objects down into their the individual segments used to create it.
For instance, it will break down a rectangle into four lines or a circle into the arcs used to create it.
These items can then be edited separately.
Have the design on the screen.
Click the Explode All button.
The object is broken down into its individual segments which can now be edited separately.
For an example, select the desired arc to delete and click the Delete button.
The selected arc is deleted.
If we did not Explode the design, trying to delete one arc would delete the whole opening, since it’s still a single object.
You can further edit the design and add other elements.
Optionally, click Edit>Explode All.
The entire design is exploded into its individual segments.
Optionally, you can manually explode selected objects with the Explode Circuit button.
This allows you to manually select which objects to explode.