Blade Depth Adjustment | |
When you go to the Cut Preview, you have the option of using the default blade depth to cut the current mat, or you can click on the Blade Depth Button to select a different blade depth for each layer. Have the desired layer selected. | |
Click on the Blade Depth Button. | |
On the Blade Depth Screen, enter the new blade depth value number under Opening. The Label field allows you to make notes about the matboard used at this particular blade depth setting. | |
Select “Apply New Depth to All Layers” if you wish the same blade depth to be applied to all layers of the current mat. | |
Click OK. The new blade depth number is listed next to the current layer. | |
The blade depth number is also displayed at the top of the screen for the current layer. | |
NOTE: If you return to the Editor then back to the Cut Preview, the default blade depth setting will be reloaded for all layers. | |
When you cut the mat, if the newly selected blade depth is different than the last blade depth used, you will be prompted for the blade cartridge and that the blade depth will be changed. Note: Your actual screen may look different but contains the same message. | |
You can change the blade depth in the software on the fly by clicking the minus or plus buttons to change the blade depth value then click continue. |